From kindergarten teacher to professor, my ambition has been to create and share learning environments where curiosity is key to exploring and mastering content — one that leverages digital media and tools to allow every student to learn the way that best serves them and for flexible demonstrations of knowledge. Immersing that learning environment in a culture that embraces innovation, diversity, equity and inclusive practices gives rise to re-thinking the meaning of school. My research follows this same path: creating, pondering and documenting the impact of tinkering with pedagogies/andragogies of learning enhanced by digital tools and media.
Along the way, I've been privileged to partner and collaborate with many dedicated people and organizations who have inspired and elevated my work, fed my passion for learning, my imagination, and my determination to share my vision for the future of education. |
“The work of a teacher — exhausting, idiosyncratic, never twice the same — is at its heart an intellectual and ethical enterprise. Teaching is the vocation of vocations, a calling that shepherds a multitude of other callings. It is an activity that is intensely practical and yet transcendent, brutally matter-of-fact, and yet fundamentally a creative act. Teaching begins in challenge and is never far from mystery.” — William Ayres, To Teach: A Journey of a Teacher